Country | Scott # | Item | Cond | Price | Qty | |
#1 | Korea | 182 | Inauguration of Rhee | U | $6.00 | 1 |
#2 | Korea | 214 |
Rotary Club single from set |
NH | $2.00 | 1 |
#3 | Korea | 214 |
Rotary Club single from set |
LH | $1.50 | 1 |
#4 | Korea | 286 | UNESCO Building in Paris | NH | $1.15 | 1 |
#5 | Korea | 313a-313b |
Bee and snail stamps from souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.20 | 1 |
#6 | Korea | 358-359 | Korean Boy Scouts | NH | $2.95 | 1 |
#7 | Korea | 358a |
Boy Scouts souvenir sheet |
NH | $5.95 | 1 |
#8 | Korea |
410-411 pair |
Save Nubian monuments 411b |
NH | $9.00 | 1 |
#9 | Korea | 411a |
UN Project to save Nubian monuments souvenir sheet |
NH | $7.60 | 2 |
#10 | Korea | 428 | Metric system | LH | $0.80 | 1 |
#11 | Korea | 451a |
64 Olympics, gymnast souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#12 | Korea | 452a |
64 Olympics, rowing souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#13 | Korea | 453a |
64 Olympics souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#14 | Korea | 462a |
Garden Balsam souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#15 | Korea | 464a |
Flower souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#16 | Korea | 465a |
Flower souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#17 | Korea | 472a |
ITU Centenary souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.75 | 1 |
#18 | Korea | 484 | Pole Vaulting | NH | $1.75 | 1 |
#19 | Korea | 510 | Girl Scouts of Korea | NH | $1.65 | 1 |
#20 | Korea | 545a |
Visit of President Johnson to Korea souvenir sheet |
NH | $12.00 | 1 |
#21 | Korea | 552-554 | Masks | NH | $5.60 | 2 |
#22 | Korea | 553a |
Sandi Mask and Dance souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.50 | 1 |
#23 | Korea | 554a |
Hafoe Mask souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#24 | Korea | 561-563 | Shuttlecock, Full moon, archery | NH | $7.00 | 1 |
#25 | Korea | 561a |
Korean Shuttlecock souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.95 | 1 |
#26 | Korea | 581a |
Boy Scouts souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.75 | 1 |
#27 | Korea | 592a, 593a |
Christmas and Year of the Monkey set of 2 souvenir sheets |
NH | $5.80 | 1 |
#28 | Korea | 631 | Boy Scouts | NH | $1.65 | 1 |
#29 | Korea | 652 | Miruk Bosal | NH | $60.00 | 2 |
#30 | Korea | 652 |
Miruk Bosal couple damaged perfs |
NH | $30.00 | 2 |
#31 | Korea |
659-663 strip of 5 |
Man on the Moon 663b |
NH | $15.25 | 2 |
#32 | Korea | 663a |
Moon Landing souvenir sheet |
NH | $25.50 | 2 |
#33 | Korea | 672a |
Mother meeting tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#34 | Korea | 673a |
Tiger disguised as mother souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#35 | Korea | 674a |
Tiger with children in tree souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#36 | Korea | 675a |
Tiger with children in cloud souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#37 | Korea | 701 | Expo 70 | NH | $4.60 | 1 |
#38 | Korea | 715-717 | Paintings | NH | $5.35 | 4 |
#39 | Korea | 715-723 | Paintings | NH | $30.00 | 1 |
#40 | Korea | 715a |
Fan painting by Chong Son souvenir sheet |
NH | $4.20 | 6 |
#41 | Korea |
715a-717a imperf |
Paintings set of 3 souvenir sheets |
NH | $11.50 | 1 |
#42 | Korea | 716a |
Mountains & Rivers painting by Yi In-moon souvenir sheet |
NH | $4.20 | 6 |
#43 | Korea | 717a |
Painting by Kim Dooryang souvenir sheet |
NH | $4.20 | 6 |
#44 | Korea | 718-720 | Animal paintings | NH | $19.95 | 2 |
#45 | Korea |
718-720 imperf |
Animal paintings | NH | $37.00 | 1 |
#46 | Korea |
718a imperf |
Painting of Tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $23.50 | 1 |
#47 | Korea |
718a-720a perforated |
Animal paintings set of 3 perforated souvenir sheets |
NH | $139.00 | 2 |
#48 | Korea |
719a imperf |
Cats & Sparrows painting souvenir sheet |
NH | $23.50 | 2 |
#49 | Korea |
719a perforated |
Cats & Sparrows painting perforated souvenir sheet |
NH | $46.95 | 1 |
#50 | Korea |
721a-723a imperf |
Paintings set of 3 imperf souvenir sheets |
NH | $7.95 | 1 |
#51 | Korea |
722a imperf |
Painting, cock, hen, and chicks by Sang-byuk souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.75 | 1 |
#52 | Korea |
728a see note after |
Salvador and Korea relations souvenir sheet with corrected spelling |
VLH | $3.85 | 1 |
#53 | Korea | 730a |
National Athletic Games, Diving souvenir sheet |
NH | $7.60 | 2 |
#54 | Korea | 731a |
National Athletic Games, Field Hockey souvenir sheet |
NH | $7.60 | 2 |
#55 | Korea | 739a |
Crate wrapped in world map souvenir sheet |
NH | $5.00 | 1 |
#56 | Korea | 740a |
Irrigation project and farm souvenir sheet |
NH | $5.00 | 1 |
#57 | Korea |
781-786 singles |
Paintings by Shin Yun-bok | NH | $28.00 | 1 |
#58 | Korea | 797a |
Asian Labor Ministers Conference souvenir sheet |
VLH | $22.75 | 1 |
#59 | Korea | 802a |
High School skill contest souvenir sheet |
H | $18.95 | 1 |
#60 | Korea | 804a |
Year of the Rar souvenir sheet |
LH | $11.75 | 1 |
#61 | Korea | 805a |
Japanese Crane souvenir sheet |
LH | $11.75 | 1 |
#62 | Korea | 825a | UN Environmental Conference | NH | $6.45 | 1 |
#63 | Korea | 840a-841a |
Year of the Ox set of 2 souvenir sheets |
NH | $6.85 | 1 |
#64 | Korea | 859a |
King's Ceremonial robe sheet of 2 |
NH | $5.40 | 1 |
#65 | Korea | 864 |
Princess costume single from set |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#66 | Korea | 876-877 | National Athletic Meet | NH | $1.85 | 1 |
#67 | Korea | 883-892 | Musical instruments | NH | $12.15 | 1 |
#68 | Korea | 885-886 | Devices to start and stop orchestra | NH | $2.65 | 1 |
#69 | Korea | 885a |
Wooden hammer to start orchestra souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.80 | 1 |
#70 | Korea | 886a |
Crouching tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $4.20 | 2 |
#71 | Korea | 912-913 | National Athletic Meet | NH | $1.85 | 1 |
#72 | Korea | 916a |
Korea #1 & 2 souvenir sheet |
NH | $6.00 | 1 |
#73 | Korea | 924a |
Good Luck Purse souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.10 | 1 |
#74 | Korea | 934a |
Folk Dance Issue (3) souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.50 | 1 |
#75 | Korea | 936a |
Folk Dance Issue (5) souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.50 | 1 |
#76 | Korea | 937a |
Folk Dance Issue (6) souvenir sheet |
LH | $1.00 | 1 |
#77 | Korea | 940a |
Folk Dance Issue (9) souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.95 | 1 |
#78 | Korea | 941a |
Folk Dance Issue (10) souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.95 | 1 |
#79 | Korea | 1034a |
US Bicentennial souvenir sheet |
NH | $4.50 | 1 |
#80 | Korea | 1042-1043 |
76 Summer Olympics volleyball or boxing |
NH | $0.75 | 1 |
#81 | Korea | 1108a |
Painting by Chung Seon souvenir sheet |
NH | $5.80 | 1 |
#82 | Korea | 1111a |
Children & Kites sheet of 2 |
NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#83 | Korea | 1112a |
Horse-headed figure, bas-relief souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#84 | Korea | 1166a |
Korean Art Treasures souvenir sheet |
NH | $3.00 | 1 |
#85 | Korea | 1167 |
Pulguk-sa Temple Pacific area Travel Association |
NH | $0.35 | 1 |
#86 | Korea | 1173 | Korean Exhibition Center | NH | $0.35 | 1 |
#87 | Korea |
1206-1207 pair |
Moon or Sun over Mt. Konryun 1207b |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#88 | Korea | 1221 | Korean flag | NH | $0.30 | 1 |
#89 | Korea | 1228 | Ear of corn | NH | $0.40 | 1 |
#90 | Korea | 1231 | Korea-Japan Cable system inauguration | NH | $0.40 | 1 |
#91 | Korea | 1317a-1318a |
Year of the Boar set of 2 souvenir sheets |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#92 | Korea | 1319a |
Flags of Korea and Turkey souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.35 | 1 |
#93 | Korea | 1339-1340 | Stamp on stamp issue | NH | $1.05 | 1 |
#94 | Korea | 1359a |
Bi-centennary of the Catholic Church in Korea souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#95 | Korea | 1368-1369 | Pope John Paul II visit | NH | $1.05 | 1 |
#96 | Korea | 1369a |
Visit of Pope John Paul II souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.90 | 2 |
#97 | Korea | 1370 | Workers Cultural Festival | NH | $0.45 | 2 |
#98 | Korea | 1373 | Adveretising Congress | NH | $0.45 | 3 |
#99 | Korea | 1374 | Olympic Expressway | NH | $0.45 | 3 |
#100 | Korea | 1375 | International Olympic Committee | NH | $0.45 | 1 |
#101 | Korea | 1385 | Flags of Korea and Gabon | NH | $0.45 | 2 |
#102 | Korea | 1434 |
Musicians with instruments strip of 5 |
NH | $5.15 | 1 |
#103 | Korea | 1447 | Year of the Tiger | NH | $0.45 | 1 |
#104 | Korea | 1491a |
Visit of Comoro Islands president souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.65 | 1 |
#105 | Korea | 1499a |
Pacific Science Congress souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#106 | Korea | 1569a |
Lantern sheet of 2 |
NH | $1.45 | 1 |
#107 | Korea | 1577 | Korean flag | NH | $0.30 | 1 |
#108 | Korea | 1579 | White magnolia blossoms | NH | $0.35 | 1 |
#109 | Korea | 1580 | Korean white pine | NH | $0.30 | 1 |
#110 | Korea | 1589 | Rose of Sharon | NH | $0.70 | 1 |
#111 | Korea | 1592 | Pine Tree National Monument | NH | $1.00 | 1 |
#112 | Korea | 1593 | Drum and dancer | NH | $2.00 | 1 |
#113 | Korea | 1594 | Mask and wrestlers | NH | $2.60 | 1 |
#114 | Korea | 1657-1660 |
Paterns block of 4 |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#115 | Korea |
1661-1664 horizontal strip of 4 |
Korean Norigae tassels 1664a |
NH | $2.95 | 1 |
#116 | Korea | 1674 | Im-Jin War | NH | $0.45 | 1 |
#117 | Korea | 1678 | Fertilizer conference | NH | $0.45 | 1 |
#118 | Korea | 1679-1680 | 92 Summer Olympics | NH | $1.00 | 1 |
#119 | Korea | 1686 | Discovery of America | NH | $0.55 | 1 |
#120 | Korea | 1720 | Narcissus | NH | $0.65 | 1 |
#121 | Korea | 1721 | Little tern | NH | $0.95 | 1 |
#122 | Korea | 1722 | Sea Turtle | NH | $1.25 | 1 |
#123 | Korea | 1724 | Mini van | NH | $1.45 | 2 |
#124 | Korea | 1726 | Passenger aircraft | NH | $2.00 | 1 |
#125 | Korea | 1728 | Porcelain chicken | NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#126 | Korea | 1730 | Train | NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#127 | Korea | 1734 | Celadon pitcher | NH | $4.10 | 1 |
#128 | Korea | 1737 | Passenger ship | NH | $4.65 | 1 |
#129 | Korea | 1770a-1773a |
Mushrooms set of 4 souvenir sheets |
NH | $4.50 | 1 |
#130 | Korea | 1789a |
Grape Vines sheet of 2 |
NH | $1.10 | 1 |
#131 | Korea | 1791 |
Philakorea sheet of 7 |
NH | $7.45 | 2 |
#132 | Korea | 1795b |
UPU Congress souvenir sheet of 4 |
NH | $5.40 | 1 |
#133 | Korea | 1799-1800 | Year of the Boar | NH | $0.95 | 1 |
#134 | Korea | 1841 | Luffa Cylindrica | NH | $0.75 | 1 |
#135 | Korea | 1843 | Numenius Madagascariensis | NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#136 | Korea | 1847 | Little tern | NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#137 | Korea | 1848 | Alauda arvensis | NH | $1.35 | 2 |
#138 | Korea | 1851 | Drum and dancer | NH | $2.35 | 1 |
#139 | Korea | 1852 | Mask and wrestlers | NH | $2.65 | 1 |
#140 | Korea | 1854 | Horses | NH | $2.85 | 1 |
#141 | Korea | 1855 | Soksu stone carving | NH | $3.85 | 1 |
#142 | Korea | 1856 | Incense burner | NH | $4.50 | 1 |
#143 | Korea | 1857 | Celadon pitcher | NH | $5.35 | 1 |
#144 | Korea | 1861 |
Cambaroides Similis coil stamp |
NH | $1.00 | 1 |
#145 | Korea | 1923 | Insects, flowers, frog | NH | $0.60 | 1 |
#146 | Korea | 1923a |
Insects, flowers, frog sheet of 2 |
NH | $0.95 | 1 |
#147 | Korea |
1924 pane of 10 |
Year of the Tiger complete booklet |
NH | $7.60 | 1 |
#148 | Korea | 1924-1925 | Year of the Tiger | NH | $1.40 | 2 |
#149 | Korea | 1924a |
Year of the Tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.25 | 3 |
#150 | Korea |
1925 pane of 10 |
Year of the Tiger complete booklet |
NH | $7.60 | 1 |
#151 | Korea | 1925a |
Year of the Tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.25 | 3 |
#152 | Korea | 1933a |
FIFA World Cup souvenir sheet of 4 |
NH | $2.80 | 1 |
#153 | Korea | 1934 |
Communication through the ages strip of 4 |
NH | $3.00 | 2 |
#154 | Korea | 1962 |
Raptors, sheet of 12 |
NH | $20.95 | 2 |
#155 | Korea |
1982 booklet |
Year of the Dragon booklet pane of 10 |
NH | $6.45 | 1 |
#156 | Korea | 1982a |
Year of the Dragon souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.25 | 1 |
#157 | Korea | 1985 | Bird | NH | $0.35 | 1 |
#158 | Korea | 2001 | Koryo Jade Ornament | NH | $2.50 | 1 |
#159 | Korea |
2014-2017 block of 4 |
Locomotives 2017a |
NH | $2.95 | 1 |
#160 | Korea | 2023a-2024a |
Cartoons set of 2 souvenir sheets |
NH | $1.45 | 1 |
#161 | Korea | 2024a |
Girl with lipstick, cartoon souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.75 | 1 |
#162 | Korea | 2027a-2031a |
Literature Series set of 5 souvenir sheets |
NH | $3.85 | 1 |
#163 | Korea | 2040a |
Year of the Snake sheet of 2 |
NH | $1.40 | 1 |
#164 | Korea | 2048a |
International Olympic Fair souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.45 | 1 |
#165 | Korea | 2057-2058 | Roses | NH | $1.20 | 1 |
#166 | Korea | 2057a-2058a |
Roses set of 2 souvenir sheets |
NH | $2.95 | 1 |
#167 | Korea | 2059 | Love stamp | NH | $0.55 | 3 |
#168 | Korea | 2059a |
Love stamp souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.35 | 1 |
#169 | Korea | 2066 |
Orchids strip of 4 |
NH | $3.50 | 1 |
#170 | Korea | 2076 |
Locomotives block of 4 |
NH | $3.25 | 1 |
#171 | Korea | 2085a |
Philakorea 2002 souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.35 | 1 |
#172 | Korea | 2103 |
Philakorea Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.55 | 1 |
#173 | Korea | 2117 |
Dye plants horizontal strip of 4 |
NH | $2.80 | 1 |
#174 | Korea | 2165 | Year of the Chicken | NH | $0.75 | 5 |
#175 | Korea | 2165a |
Year of the Chicken souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.50 | 1 |
#176 | Korea | 2212a |
Year of the Dog souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.45 | 1 |
#177 | Korea | 2228a |
Love Stamp souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.45 | 1 |
#178 | Korea | 2229 |
Skateboarding Self-adhesive block of 4 |
NH | $2.80 | 1 |
#179 | Korea | 2231 |
Bridges block of 4 |
NH | $2.80 | 1 |
#180 | Korea | 2270a-2270b |
Korean Antarctic Station singles from sheet |
NH | $1.95 | 1 |
#181 | Korea | 2297 |
Korean Films block of 4 |
NH | $2.50 | 4 |
#182 | Korea | 2316 |
Bird drawings block of 8 |
NH | $3.50 | 1 |
#183 | Korea | 2325 | Year of the Tiger | NH | $0.60 | 2 |
#184 | Korea | 2325a |
Year of the Tiger souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.95 | 4 |
#185 | Korea | 2327 |
2010 Winter Olympics horizontal pair |
NH | $0.75 | 1 |
#186 | Korea |
2328 sheet of 5 pairs |
Tigers sheet of 5 pairs |
NH | $3.85 | 1 |
#187 | Korea | 2328 |
Tigers horizontal pair |
NH | $0.75 | 5 |
#188 | Korea | 2338 |
Start of Korean War, 60th anniversary butterfly over barbed wire |
NH | $0.45 | 1 |
#189 | Korea | 2346 | Year of the Rabbit | NH | $0.40 | 1 |
#190 | Korea | 2346a |
Year of the Rabbit sheet of 2 |
NH | $0.75 | 1 |
#191 | Korea | 2377 |
Whales vertical pair |
NH | $0.95 | 1 |
#192 | Korea | 2441 |
Wolf and pups pair |
NH | $85.00 | 1 |
#193 | Korea | 2441c |
Wolf and pups souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.90 | 1 |
#194 | Korea | 2461 |
Otter pair |
NH | $1.10 | 1 |
#195 | Korea | 2461c |
Otter souvenir sheet |
NH | $1.10 | 1 |
#196 | Korea | B7 | Rice farming | LH | $2.40 | 1 |
#197 | Korea | B9 | Soldier with wife and child | LH | $4.00 | 1 |
#198 | Korea | B20a |
88 Summer Olympics souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.85 | 3 |
#199 | Korea | B22a |
88 Summer Olympics souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.85 | 1 |
#200 | Korea | B24a |
88 Olympics souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.85 | 2 |
#201 | Korea | B26a |
88 Summer Olympics souvenir sheet |
NH | $0.85 | 1 |
#202 | Korea | B31-B34 |
88 Summer Olympics set of 4 sheets of 4 stamps each |
NH | $29.00 | 2 |
#203 | Korea | B39-B42 |
88 Summer Olympics set of 4 sheets of 4 stamps each |
NH | $26.00 | 1 |
#204 | Korea | B43a-B46a |
88 Summer Olympics set of 4 sheets of 2 stamps each |
NH | $9.25 | 1 |
#205 | Korea | B51a |
88 Summer Olympics, Sailing souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 2 |
#206 | Korea | B52a |
88 Summer Olympics, Taekwondo souvenir sheet |
NH | $2.35 | 2 |
#207 | Korea | B53a-B54a |
88 Summer Olympics set of 2 sheets of 2 stamps each |
NH | $4.60 | 1 |
#208 | Korea | C27-C30 |
Palaces, gates, pavilions no watermark |
NH | $310.00 | 1 |
#209 | Korea | C39-C42 | World Map and Plane | NH | $38.50 | 2 |
#210 | Korea | C43 | UPU centenary | NH | $1.75 | 1 |
#211 | Korea | C43a |
UPU centenary souvenir sheet |
NH | $8.80 | 1 |