
Country Scott # Item Cond Price Qty
#1 Malta 184-187 King George V Silver Jubilee
NH $33.95 1
#2 Malta 206-207 Peace Issue NH $0.50 1
#3 Malta 208-222 Self Government overprints U $30.95 1
#4 Malta 223-224 King George VI Silver Wedding NH $30.50 1
#5 Malta 242 Queen Elizabeth royal visit NH $0.30 1
#6 Malta 260 Single from set NH $10.40 2
#7 Malta 291 Freedom from Hunger NH $1.55 1
#8 Malta 300-302 Congress of Catholic Physicians NH $1.45 4
#9 Malta 312 Neolithic sculpture of sleeping woman
single from set
NH $0.20 1
#10 Malta 313 Cippus
single from set
NH $0.20 1
#11 Malta 314 Roman sculpture
single from set
NH $0.25 1
#12 Malta 315 Proto-Christian
single from set
NH $0.20 1
#13 Malta 316 Saracen tomb
single from set
NH $0.20 1
#14 Malta 317 Siculo Norman arch
single from set
NH $0.20 1
#15 Malta 318 Knights of Malta
single from set
NH $0.95 1
#16 Malta 338 Arms of Jean de La Valette
single from set
NH $0.30 1
#17 Malta 341-343 65 Christmas NH $0.70 1
#18 Malta 344-347 Winston Churchill NH $0.95 1
#19 Malta 353-354 Kennedy memorial NH $0.40 2
#20 Malta 355-357 Malta trade fair NH $0.60 2
#21 Malta 361-363 Award of George Cross to Malta NH $0.60 3
#22 Malta 364-366 Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul NH $0.60 1
#23 Malta 367-370 Sculptures by Gafa NH $0.75 1
#24 Malta 371-374 Historty of Architecture NH $0.70 1
#25 Malta 375-377 67 Christmas
NH $0.55 2
#26 Malta 375-377
strip of 3
67 Christmas
NH $0.60 1
#27 Malta 378-380 Queen Elizabeth visits Malta NH $0.60 2
#28 Malta 381-383 Human Rights NH $0.60 2
#29 Malta 384-386 Malta trade fair NH $0.60 3
#30 Malta 387-390 Jean de La Valette NH $0.75 3
#31 Malta 391-393 68 Christmas NH $0.60 2
#32 Malta 394-396 FAO Regional conference NH $0.60 2
#33 Malta 400-403 Set of 4 NH $0.75 2
#34 Malta 404-408 Independence, 5th anniversary NH $0.95 1
#35 Malta 412 Single from set NH $0.20 1
#36 Malta 417-419 Expo 70 NH $0.60 1
#37 Malta 420-422 25th anniversary of UN NH $0.60 4
#38 Malta 423-424 De Soldanis, writer & Dun Karm, poet NH $0.40 1
#39 Malta 425-427 71 Europa NH $0.60 1
#40 Malta 428-431 St. Joseph and Our Lady of Victory NH $0.75 1
#41 Malta 439-446 Decimal Currency Coins CTO $2.10 1
#42 Malta 447-449 Surcharges NH $0.55 1
#43 Malta 450-453 72 Europa NH $0.80 1
#44 Malta 469-471 73 Europa NH $0.70 1
#45 Malta 472-474 World Food Program, Human Rights NH $0.60 1
#46 Malta 480-483 74 Europa NH $0.90 3
#47 Malta 487a UPU Centenary
souvenir sheet
NH $4.00 3
#48 Malta 488-490 Proclamation of the Republic NH $0.85 1
#49 Malta 495-496 75 Europa
NH $0.85 1
#50 Malta 497-500 European architectural heritage NH $1.65 1
#51 Malta 501-503 1st Anniversary of the Republic NH $0.90 1
#52 Malta 505-508 Folk Festivals NH $1.10 1
#53 Malta 512-513 76 Europa NH $0.75 1
#54 Malta 521 Surcharged NH $0.30 8
#55 Malta 535-538 World telecommunications day NH $1.00 1
#56 Malta 539-540 77 Europa NH $0.60 2
#57 Malta 541-543 Sculptures from workers monument NH $0.80 1
#58 Malta 547-548 78 Europa NH $0.75 4
#59 Malta 551a 78 World Cup Soccer Championships
souvenir sheet
NH $1.55 2
#60 Malta 558-559 79 Europa NH $0.90 3
#61 Malta 563-566 Marine Life NH $1.20 1
#62 Malta 567-568 Tapestries after designs by Rubens NH $0.45 1
#63 Malta 569 Tapestry after design by Rubens
souvenir sheet
NH $1.20 5
#64 Malta 575-576 80 Europa NH $0.75 2
#65 Malta 584-585 81 Europa NH $0.80 2
#66 Malta 592-607 Definitive set of 1981 NH $19.00 1
#67 Malta 614-615 82 Europa NH $1.10 2
#68 Malta 618a 82 World Cup Soccer championships
souvenir sheet
NH $3.25 2
#69 Malta 620-622 Locomotives NH $2.95 1
#70 Malta 627-628 83 Europa NH $1.20 2
#71 Malta 634-636 General Workers Union NH $1.55 1
#72 Malta 641-642 84 Europa NH $1.25 1
#73 Malta 643-646 Police Force NH $4.55 1
#74 Malta 647-649 84 Olympics NH $1.45 1
#75 Malta 660-661 85 Europa;;Composers NH $3.10 1
#76 Malta 682-685 Philanthropists NH $4.65 2
#77 Malta 694-695 87 Europa
NH $2.65 1
#78 Malta 709 Peaceful uses of marine resources
souvenir sheet
NH $2.90 3
#79 Malta 715-717 Set of 3 NH $3.00 1
#80 Malta 718-719 88 Europa NH $2.35 1
#81 Malta 737-738 89 Europa
Children playing with kite or dolls
NH $2.75 1
#82 Malta 749-750
sheets of 10 + 2 labels
90 Europa-Post offices
each value in a sheet of 10 + 2 labels
NH $18.50 1
#83 Malta 749-750 90 Europa;;Architecture NH $2.40 1
#84 Malta 759-760
Visit of Pope John Paul II
NH $1.95 4
#85 Malta 764-767 Military uniforms NH $6.95 1
#86 Malta 783-794 Tourism definitive set NH $24.25 1
#87 Malta 811-812 Lions Club NH $2.85 1
#88 Malta 815-818 Small States games NH $3.85 1
#89 Malta 825 General workers union NH $0.30 1
#90 Malta 827-828 Dental association of Malta NH $2.10 1
#91 Malta 831-835 Anniversaries and Events NH $3.20 1
#92 Malta 839-842 Aviation anniversaries NH $4.40 1
#93 Malta 843 Apollo XI, 25th anniversary NH $1.20 5
#94 Malta 857-858 95 Europa;;End of WWII, 50th anniversary NH $2.35 1
#95 Malta 870-873 Antique clocks NH $3.45 1
#96 Malta 882-885 Prehistoric Art and Pottery NH $2.35 1
#97 Malta 931-932 Victoria Lines, centenary NH $1.00 1
#98 Malta 944-945 98 Europa NH $2.50 1
#99 Malta 962-965 Order of St. John NH $2.95 2
#100 Malta 970 UPU, 125th anniversary
strip of 5
NH $5.80 1
#101 Malta 1013-1016
Air Transportation NH $4.60 1
#102 Malta 1016b Air Transportation centenary
souvenir sheet
NH $3.70 1
#103 Malta 1017-1021 Fireworks NH $4.80 1
#104 Malta 1028-1031 Children's drawings NH $1.55 1
#105 Malta 1035a 2000 Christmas
souvenir sheet
NH $3.70 1
#106 Malta 1041 Carnival
souvenir sheet
NH $2.35 1
#107 Malta 1080 2002 Europa, Clown NH $1.20 1
#108 Malta 1086 Malta Cuisine
souvenir sheet
NH $4.95 1
#109 Malta 1134 Elton John
souvenir sheet
NH $8.40 2
#110 Malta 1136-1138 Sailboats NH $3.10 1
#111 Malta 1176-1180 Religious festivals NH $9.20 1
#112 Malta 1181-1184 Works of Art NH $8.50 2
#113 Malta 1185 Icon of St. Paul
souvenir sheet
NH $4.00 1
#114 Malta 1244-1245 2006 Europa NH $2.75 2
#115 Malta 1411a
pane of 4
2010 Europa
complete booklet
NH $4.60 1
#116 Malta 1484-1485 2013 Europa;;Postal vehicles NH $3.25 10
#117 Malta B1-B3
strip of 3
69 Christmas
NH $0.45 1
#118 Malta B7-B9 71 Christmas NH $0.60 1
#119 Malta B12a 72 Christmas
angels singing and playing instruments, souvenir sheet
NH $2.15 1
#120 Malta B20-B22
strip of 3
75 Christmas
NH $2.80 2
#121 Malta B23-B26 76 Christmas
painting "Madonna and Saints" by di Michelino
NH $1.95 1
#122 Malta B38-B41 80 Christmas NH $1.20 1
#123 Malta C9-C14 Aircraft NH $3.25 2
#124 Malta J22-J31 Postage Dues
poor centering as usual for this set
NH $5.75 2