Pitcairn Island

Country Scott # Item Cond Price Qty
#1 Pitcairn Island 1 Cluster of Oranges
single from set
NH $0.75 1
#2 Pitcairn Island 1-8 First definitive set, complete 10 values H $37.95 1
#3 Pitcairn Island 2 Fletcher Christian
single from set
NH $0.90 1
#4 Pitcairn Island 7 Fletcher Christian
single from set
NH $3.85 1
#5 Pitcairn Island 9-10 Peace Issue H $0.70 1
#6 Pitcairn Island 9-10 Peace Issue NH $1.10 3
#7 Pitcairn Island 13-16 UPU, 49th anniversary LH $7.85 4
#8 Pitcairn Island 13-16 UPU, 75th anniversary NH $11.50 2
#9 Pitcairn Island 19 Coronation Issue LH $1.15 2
#10 Pitcairn Island 20 Ti Plant
single from set
NH $0.60 2
#11 Pitcairn Island 21 Map of Pitcairn Island
single from set
NH $3.50 1
#12 Pitcairn Island 22 Bounty Bible NH $1.75 1
#13 Pitcairn Island 23 Wood carving of a bird
single from set
NH $0.50 1
#14 Pitcairn Island 27 Inland scene
single from set
NH $0.50 1
#15 Pitcairn Island 28 Handicraft, ship with sails model
single from set
NH $1.75 1
#16 Pitcairn Island 29 Man pushing wheelbarrow
single from set, perfs are very close at bottom, but do not touch design
NH $7.50 1
#17 Pitcairn Island 30 Launching whale boat
perfs are very close at bottom but do not touch design
NH $17.95 1
#18 Pitcairn Island 31 Inscribed 'Schoolteacher's House' LH $2.50 1
#19 Pitcairn Island 32-34 Islanders return to Pitcairn LH $1.35 1
#20 Pitcairn Island 32-34 Return from Norfolk Island NH $2.10 2
#21 Pitcairn Island 35 Freedom from hunger LH $5.00 3
#22 Pitcairn Island 35 Freedom from hunger NH $7.60 6
#23 Pitcairn Island 36-37 Red Cross centenary NH $4.95 2
#24 Pitcairn Island 38 Ti plant
wmk 314
NH $0.95 1
#25 Pitcairn Island 39-51 Definitive set LH $8.85 1
#26 Pitcairn Island 52-53 ITU issue LH $3.15 1
#27 Pitcairn Island 52-53 ITU NH $4.80 1
#28 Pitcairn Island 54-55 International Cooperation Year LH $3.20 1
#29 Pitcairn Island 56-59 Churchill memorial issue LH $5.50 2
#30 Pitcairn Island 56-59 Churchill Memorial Issue NH $8.40 1
#31 Pitcairn Island 60-61 66 World Cup Soccer Championships NH $4.20 3
#32 Pitcairn Island 60-61 World Cup Soccer LH $2.75 1
#33 Pitcairn Island 62-63 WHO headquarters LH $3.65 1
#34 Pitcairn Island 64-66 UNESCO Issue NH $5.40 6
#35 Pitcairn Island 65-66 UNESCO
short set missing 64
NH $5.15 1
#36 Pitcairn Island 72-84 Definitive set surcharged and overprinted LH $6.50 3
#37 Pitcairn Island 88-90 Human rights LH $0.55 1
#38 Pitcairn Island 88-90 Human Rights NH $0.85 3
#39 Pitcairn Island 95-96 WHO anniversary NH $0.65 2
#40 Pitcairn Island 97-109 Captain Bligh and the Bounty NH $11.40 2
#41 Pitcairn Island 97-109 Captain Bligh and the Bounty VLH $7.35 1
#42 Pitcairn Island 110-113 Flowers LH $2.10 1
#43 Pitcairn Island 110-113 Pitcairn Flowers NH $3.15 4
#44 Pitcairn Island 114-117 Fish LH $4.00 2
#45 Pitcairn Island 114-117 Fish NH $6.10 2
#46 Pitcairn Island 118 Royal visit LH $1.20 1
#47 Pitcairn Island 119-122 Polynesian artifacts LH $2.50 1
#48 Pitcairn Island 123-126 South Pacific Commission NH $2.75 2
#49 Pitcairn Island 127-128 Silver wedding
skuas (birds) and longboat
NH $0.70 2
#50 Pitcairn Island 129 Coats of Arms NH $2.35 2
#51 Pitcairn Island 130-134 Fruits and flowers NH $4.95 3
#52 Pitcairn Island 137-140 Sea Shells NH $3.65 2
#53 Pitcairn Island 140a Sea Shells
souvenir sheet
NH $4.25 2
#54 Pitcairn Island 141-143 UPU Centenary NH $1.25 2
#55 Pitcairn Island 144-145 Churchill Memorial Issue NH $0.90 3
#56 Pitcairn Island 146 Queen Elizabeth II NH $5.35 3
#57 Pitcairn Island 147-150 Mailboats NH $2.50 2
#58 Pitcairn Island 150a Mailboats
souvenir sheet
NH $9.00 2
#59 Pitcairn Island 151-155 Insects NH $2.80 3
#60 Pitcairn Island 156-159
US Bicentennial
158a, 159a
NH $2.45 3
#61 Pitcairn Island 160-162 Reign of Queen Elizabeth NH $0.85 3
#62 Pitcairn Island 163-173 Definitive Set
complete 13 values
NH $4.70 2
#63 Pitcairn Island 174-176 Bounty Day NH $1.30 5
#64 Pitcairn Island 176a Bounty Day
souvenir sheet
NH $4.95 1
#65 Pitcairn Island 177 Coronation 25th anniversary
souvenir sheet
NH $0.85 10
#66 Pitcairn Island 178-181 Harbor development NH $1.50 4
#67 Pitcairn Island 182-183 John Adams, founder of Pitcairn Colony NH $0.90 1
#68 Pitcairn Island 184-187 Engravings of Pitcairn locations NH $0.90 3
#69 Pitcairn Island 184-187 Engravings circa 1850 U $0.85 1
#70 Pitcairn Island 188-191 79 Christmas
Year of the child
NH $0.85 3
#71 Pitcairn Island 191a 79 Christmas & International Year of the Child
souvenir sheet
NH $1.10 3
#72 Pitcairn Island 192 Mail transport by longboat
souvenir sheet
NH $1.10 5
#73 Pitcairn Island 193
sheet of 9
Queen Mother, 80th birthday NH $4.15 1
#74 Pitcairn Island 193 Queen mother's birthday NH $0.45 5
#75 Pitcairn Island 194-197 Handicrafts NH $0.95 3
#76 Pitcairn Island 198-202 Views of Pitcairn Island NH $1.05 4
#77 Pitcairn Island 203-205 Migration to Norfolk NH $1.00 6
#78 Pitcairn Island 206-208 Prince Charles wedding NH $0.90 4
#79 Pitcairn Island 209-212 Pitcairn foods NH $1.10 3
#80 Pitcairn Island 213-216 Princess Diana NH $1.70 2
#81 Pitcairn Island 221-224 Commonwealth Day U $1.25 1
#82 Pitcairn Island 221-224 Commonwealth Day NH $1.30 1
#83 Pitcairn Island 225-228 Discovery of settlers by Folger NH $1.95 1
#84 Pitcairn Island 229-230
Local trees
single stamps, not in pairs
NH $1.70 1
#85 Pitcairn Island 231-243 Fish NH $6.90 2
#86 Pitcairn Island 248 Longboats
souvenir sheet
NH $1.95 2
#87 Pitcairn Island 258-261 Ships LH $2.00 1
#88 Pitcairn Island 297 Australia bicentennial
souvenir sheet
NH $5.50 1
#89 Pitcairn Island 298 HMS Swallow NH $0.40 1
#90 Pitcairn Island 299 HMS Pandora NH $0.40 1
#91 Pitcairn Island 300 HMS Briton and Tagus NH $0.40 1
#92 Pitcairn Island 301a
HMS Blossom
wmk384, dated 1990
NH $1.35 2
#93 Pitcairn Island 301b
pane of 4
HMS Blossom
from booklet, dated 1990
NH $5.35 1
#94 Pitcairn Island 301b, 306b
panes of 4
Sailing ships
complete booklet
NH $16.50 2
#95 Pitcairn Island 306a
HMS Virago
wmk384, dated 1990
NH $2.95 2
#96 Pitcairn Island 306b
pane of 4
HMS Virago
from booklet, dated 1990
NH $11.40 1
#97 Pitcairn Island 315-318 Constitution NH $2.65 4
#98 Pitcairn Island 319 88 Christmas
strip of 4
NH $2.75 2
#99 Pitcairn Island 347 Pitcairn Islands bicentennary
souvenir sheet
NH $9.25 1
#100 Pitcairn Island 348-349
pair w/label
Elizabeth and Philip birthdays
NH $2.50 1
#101 Pitcairn Island 350-353 Cruise ships NH $7.20 2
#102 Pitcairn Island 362-366 Queen Elizabeth, Accession to the throne, 40th anniversary NH $4.10 1
#103 Pitcairn Island 367-370 Sharks NH $6.50 1
#104 Pitcairn Island 403-406 Shipwrecks NH $8.15 1
#105 Pitcairn Island 464 South Pacific Commission
souvenir sheet
H $4.00 1
#106 Pitcairn Island 483-486 Sailing ships NH $6.00 1
#107 Pitcairn Island 507-510 Honey bees
NH $8.20 1
#108 Pitcairn Island 520a Flowers of the Pitcairn Islands
souvenir sheet
NH $6.25 1
#109 Pitcairn Island 571 Blue Star Line
souvenir sheet
NH $8.40 1
#110 Pitcairn Island 581 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth
souvenir sheet
NH $4.45 1
#111 Pitcairn Island 582 The Art of Pitcairn;;Painted Leaves
strip of 4 w/central label
NH $9.00 1
#112 Pitcairn Island 583-586 Fish NH $7.20 3
#113 Pitcairn Island 591-594 Shells NH $6.85 1
#114 Pitcairn Island 595-598 Pitcairn landscapes NH $9.50 1
#115 Pitcairn Island 599 Royal Navy Frigate, HMS Pitcairn
souvenir sheet
NH $9.25 1
#116 Pitcairn Island 603a HMAV Bounty replica
souvenir sheet
NH $9.25 1
#117 Pitcairn Island 609-614 Views of Pitcairn Islands NH $9.50 2
#118 Pitcairn Island 617 Wedding of Prince Charles NH $13.90 1
#119 Pitcairn Island 622-626 Bristle-thighed Curlew NH $12.95 1
#120 Pitcairn Island 626a Bristle-thighed Curlew
souvenir sheet
NH $13.00 1
#121 Pitcairn Island 637 Old Glory arrives in Pitcairn, 1831
souvenir sheet
NH $7.60 1
#122 Pitcairn Island 638-641 Queen Elizabeth, 80th birthday NH $7.60 1
#123 Pitcairn Island 645-646 Humpback whales NH $7.95 2
#124 Pitcairn Island 647 Terns & Noddies of Pitcairn
strip of 4
NH $6.85 1
#125 Pitcairn Island 647e Terns & Noddies of Pitcairn
souvenir sheet
NH $13.95 1
#126 Pitcairn Island 650-651 Moth NH $9.25 2
#127 Pitcairn Island 652-663 HMS Bounty replica NH $22.95 1
#128 Pitcairn Island 660a HMS Bounty replica
souvenir sheet
NH $7.20 1
#129 Pitcairn Island 664 Fish
block of 6
NH $9.50 1
#130 Pitcairn Island 673a Bees and flowers
souvenir sheet
NH $6.85 1
#131 Pitcairn Island 680 Discovery of Pitcairn community, 1808
souvenir sheet
NH $5.95 1
#132 Pitcairn Island 682-683 Coconut crab NH $8.50 1
#133 Pitcairn Island 683a Coconut crab
souvenir sheet
NH $8.50 1
#134 Pitcairn Island 685 Panda Bears
souvenir sheet
NH $6.50 1
#135 Pitcairn Island 686-689 Charles Darwin, naturalist NH $9.00 2
#136 Pitcairn Island 696 Visiting Royal Navy ships
sheet of 6
NH $9.25 1
#137 Pitcairn Island 697-702 Island sites and children's drawings of them NH $9.00 2
#138 Pitcairn Island 703-704 ANZAC day
NH $8.40 1
#139 Pitcairn Island 706 Exploration of volcanic hot spots
strip of 4 + central label
NH $8.80 1
#140 Pitcairn Island 707-710 Snails
NH $7.60 1
#141 Pitcairn Island 711 Royal Navy ships visiting Pitcairn Island
sheet of 6
NH $11.50 2
#142 Pitcairn Island 714 Peonies
NH $3.50 1
#143 Pitcairn Island 715-716 Wasps NH $9.00 1
#144 Pitcairn Island 723-726 2011 Christmas NH $9.25 1
#145 Pitcairn Island 732 Tapa cloth designs
souvenir sheet
NH $10.90 1
#146 Pitcairn Island 733-736 Dolphins NH $9.00 2