
Country Scott # Item Cond Price Qty
#1 Zambia 52 Single from set NH $0.25 1
#2 Zambia 271a Scouting Year
souvenir sheet
NH $3.70 1
#3 Zambia 279 Only bird in set NH $2.20 1
#4 Zambia 304-307 84 Olympics
soccer, running, hurdles, boxing
NH $1.60 7
#5 Zambia 377-387 Birds
379 has several damaged perfs
NH $19.00 1
#6 Zambia 418-421 Cattle NH $2.85 1
#7 Zambia 431-432 Cheetah or Caracal
set of 2 souvenir sheets
NH $10.00 1
#8 Zambia 432 Caracal
souvenir sheet
NH $5.00 1
#9 Zambia 444-447 Trade Fair NH $3.00 4
#10 Zambia 462-465 Frogs and Toads NH $3.50 2
#11 Zambia 470-473 Pope John Paul II visits Zambia NH $8.85 1
#12 Zambia 486-489 Stamp World London 90 NH $9.00 2
#13 Zambia 510A 90 Soccer Championships
souvenir sheet
NH $5.80 1
#14 Zambia 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 538 Birds
short set, issue of 5-7-91
NH $10.25 1
#15 Zambia 540 Denham's Bustard NH $2.15 1
#16 Zambia 623-638 Birds
628 has a couple of damaged perfs
NH $17.95 1
#17 Zambia 724 Year of the Tiger
sheet of 4
NH $3.85 1
#18 Zambia 725 Year of the Tiger
souvenir sheet
NH $3.15 1
#19 Zambia 739-748 Mushrooms NH $14.70 1
#20 Zambia 749-750 Mushrooms
set of 2 sheets of 6 stamps each
NH $14.70 1
#21 Zambia 751-752 Mushrooms
set of 2 souvenir sheets
NH $11.50 1
#22 Zambia 818 Great Blue Heron NH $1.50 3
#23 Zambia 890 Toco Toucan
souvenir sheet
NH $2.80 1
#24 Zambia 891 Blue and Yellow Macaw
souvenir sheet
NH $2.80 1